Iowa State Grange records, 1873-1969, 1873-1889.


Iowa State Grange records, 1873-1969, 1873-1889.

Constitution and by-laws; record of Iowa charters; correspondence (primarily between Secretary and Grand Master, 1884-1889); membership and dues records; proceedings of 1889 annual meeting; minute book and other documents from Germania Grange No. 1873, Cresco, Iowa (1873-1878).

2.5 linear ft. (3 archives boxes)

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Patrons of Husbandry. Iowa State Grange. (corporateBody)

The Iowa State Grange was founded in 1868. From the description of Iowa State Grange records, 1873-1969, 1873-1889. (State Historical Society of Iowa, Library). WorldCat record id: 49053756 ...

National Grange (corporateBody)